Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lavender Collection

We have been working on our Lavender Collection.
Bath Salts, Natural Potpourri, Salves, Soy Candles
and Soy Tarts are in the works. We also will
be adding a creamy Goat Milk Lavender Lotion to
this collection this May (stay tuned). We are
so excited about this collection. Lavender is so
calming and relaxing, we all need a little more
of that in our lives.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rosemary Pruning

When we use to open our Greenhouse in the Spring, the
number one question we would be asked is how to prune
rosemary. As you can tell from the above picture. 
The rosemary on the left was prune last winter the 
one on the right was not pruned.  As you can see pruning
makes the plant much more bushier and healthy looking, plus it
gives you wonderful clippings of rosemary to use
in cooking, bath products and potpourri.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Old Antique Potting Cupboard

Turned this old antique into a potting cupboard. It 
works great for storing extra pots. While cleaning
out our greenhouse we found some cute garden 
picks and some miniature wheelbarrows and
watering cans. Check them out on our web-site